Overcome Social Anxiety
For those who suffer from social anxiety, learning how to overcome social phobia is extremely important. Social anxiety can create many problems at work, at home, in relationships, and in reality it keeps many sufferers stuck in a lifestyle that will never allow them to live full meaningful and productive lives.
Fortunately, overcoming social anxiety is possible and isn’t difficult. In most cases, the best solutions to overcoming this phobia is social skills training, and self help therapy, rather than drugs which is not able to produce permanent changes in your brain.
Defining Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is a psychological condition in which a person may feel an uncontrollable intense or overwhelming fear of any kind of social situation. More severe than shyness, suffers will always be excessively worried about themselves and what other people might think of them and will try to avoid all gatherings where they need to come in contact with a group of strangers. Individuals may also experience physical symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, muscle spasms and even palpitation while in a social envirnoment, and in more serious cases, panic attacks.
How to Overcome Social Anxiety
Since social anxiety disorder is mostly a psychological problem, you can significantly reduce your anxiety through a variety of interesting strategies without medications. Here are a few simple steps that you can take to overcome your own social anxiety.
1. Control Your Reaction to Fear - One of the biggest problems with any type of anxiety disorder is the reactions it causes in our bodies. Increased heart rate, a racing mind, sweating, shakiness, and other reactions can result from our fears. Overcoming these reactions is as simple as learning relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and self hypnosis.
2. Prepare Yourself Mentally - Rather than let your fear of embarrassment or humiliation overwhelm you in social settings, role play a few scenairos in advamce to make sure you are well prepared for any challenging situations. If you are prepared for things that can go wrong and you know what to do and say in those awkward moments, you will have the confidence to keep calm and handle the situation well.
3. Face Your Fears - Sometimes, our social fears does not stem from a lack of social skills, but rather from a sense of insecurity and a lack of esteem. By stepping outside your comfort zone and placing yourself in uncomfortable situations such as speaking in front of your peers or complimenting someone, and doing it repeatly, the easier it becomes. Soon you will soon realize that there is actually nothing to fear from most people and you may even enjoy and laugh about it.
4. Get Involve Socially - Take an assertiveness class, volunteer for a event that keeps you in a social setting, and work to build relationships with people you normally wouldn’t. Alternatively, join a local or online support group and talk with other like minded individuals with the same problem and hear their struggles and triumphs. This will give you the confidence you need to help break your self imposed barrier of fear.
5. Positive Visualization And Affirmation - The way you think strongly influences the way you feel. The realization that only you can control how you think, and how those thoughts control you, is an important step in overcoming social anxiety. When those thoughts, such as “I’m going to fail” or “they will make fun of me” begin making their way into your mind, challenge those negativity and replace them with more realistic, calmer thoughts. Tell yourself that you are capable, confident, and wonderful to combat those negative thoughts. Positive visualization and affirmation are helpful in motivating you along the road to curing yourself of this problem and improving your self worth.
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